Croatian International Relations Review

For article submissions, as well as any inquiries, you are welcome to write to [email protected]

Dario Cziraky

Primary social aspects relevant for ICT include economic (commercial) and political issues as well as the traditionally ICT-intensive fields of high-tech and sciences. Aside of being the highest-growth sector in most western economies, ICT is inevitably a major factor in successful transition of the post-Communist and developing societies in the Central and South Eastern Europe (CSEE). The Stability Pact incorporated ICT policy issues as part of the “Third Wave” infrastructure reconstruction of the CSEE region strongly emphasising issues such as electronic networks and reforms to modernise business and governmental procedures. Among most crucial aspects are legislation and the role of government specially regarding the de-regulation and ICT market liberalisation issues. These are precisely the aspects that individual CSEE countries should solve themselves though the Stability Pact process should provide help and guidance (same holds for EU processes and pre-accession criteria).