Croatian International Relations Review

For article submissions, as well as any inquiries, you are welcome to write to [email protected]

Radovan Vukadinović

The article discusses the new American role in South Europe and consequences of the NATO enlargement for the regional and global security situation. It can be expected that the US involvement in the South European region will increase and remain high in the near future. Such new US involvement is based on American strategic and political interests, i. e. the position of Southern Europe as strategic link to relevant Southern destinations; conflict potential in the region, the role of the Russian strategic interest as well as a potential clash between Islam and Christian religions. Further analysed are positions and prospects of the South-European countries and their foreign policy and strategic priorities. The main conclusion is that American presence and interest in this region are firm and established through political, military and economic instruments which include strengthening of NATO’s role in the region and enabling the continuing US influence.