The paper addresses the role of social partners in the European integration process.It gives an overview of the social dialogue structures and experiences in the European Union (EU) and evaluates the achievements and experiences in developing social dialogue in the former and present candidate countries (Croatia)during the accession process.The first part of the paper is focused on the challenges that the European social dialogue is facing in terms of governance, Lisbon strategy and enlargement. It gives introduction in to the role of social dialogue during the accession process.The second part of the paper deals with the social dialogue in Croatia and challenges ofanticipated accession to EU.It evaluates the practice of social dialogue and leads to the conclusion that further efforts are needed to strengthen the capacitiesof the social partners andenhancetheirparticipation insocial dialogueatnational and European level.For the purpose of this paper asurvey (interviews) on key social partners'representatives and public authorities have been carried out in Croatia.