Croatian International Relations Review

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Muhammad Zulfikar Rakhmat
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Hasbi Aswar
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Gustri Eni Putri
Universitas Islam Indonesia
Karina Utami Dewi
Universitas Islam Indonesia

Indonesia and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states have developed thick and complex ties in recent years. Despite the importance of economic relationships in developing these partnerships, cooperation has also expanded into the cultural and security areas. The volatility of the Gulf region is one of the concerns among the expanding contacts. In addition to its internal conflicts, the region is bordered by the worst conflicts in the world. Moreover, due to its key geographic location and vast oil resources, it has become a battleground for major power rivalry. This article discusses how Indonesia's foreign policy towards the region has taken into account the security and stability of the Gulf in light of its developing contacts with the region. Even though Indonesia is paying increased attention to the security circumstances of the Gulf to secure the continuity of its collaboration, the security situation in the region has negligible impact on Indonesia-Gulf relations, according to the findings of this study.

Keywords: foreign policy, Gulf security, Indonesia, GCC.