Obsatar Sinaga
Every trading business has strategies, personnel, and internal and external dynamics influenced by changing approaches in response to the era's fluctuating conditions. Due to the unpredictability and volatility of the business environment, businesses must implement strategic management and employee quality to maintain a competitive advantage and adapt to environmental changes. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effect of strategic management and employee quality on the competitive advantage of international trade of textile exporting companies in Indonesia, using resource-based theory as the theoretical foundation to explain how resources and strategies help to increase the competitive advantage of global trade companies. Using self-administered survey questionnaires, primary data was acquired from the export managers of textile products. The techniques of convenient sampling, cross-sectional research design, quantitative research methodology, and Partial Least Square (PLS)-Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were utilized. The findings indicate that strategic management has a substantial and favorable impact on the competitive advantage of textile exporting enterprises. Similarly, staff quality has a good and significant effect on competitive advantage. The findings revealed that adopting and executing strategic management strategies enables a business to be responsive to changes and start beneficial changes, resulting in a competitive advantage and sustained performance. It was suggested that firms continuously maintain, sustain, and enhance strategic management practices because they are a vital instrument for achieving corporate performance.