Social Action of The Community on The Slopes of Mount Kelud Towards Livelihood, Family, Religion, Environment and Village / Sub-District Government


Social Action, Society, Livelihood, Environment, Governance.


Rural communities with their various characters, innocence, and local wisdom are still interesting to note and study from any scientific point of view. Considering that the advancement of communication technology that occurs today has more or less influenced and may have an impact on social shifts or changes in rural communities. Various social symptoms or social phenomena are new and contradictory to the people of the previous generation. This is because their predecessors were generally technologically illiterate, while the younger generation enjoyed the advances in communication technology. Based on the phenomenon mentioned above, the problem is, among other things, how the social action of the community on the slopes of Mount Kelud, Kediri Regency, East Java, in the livelihood, in the family, religion, environment and village/sub-district government officials. Realizing that the problematic character as mentioned above, the research approach used is a qualitative approach, namely "an approach that understands the phenomenon of what is experienced by the research subject such as behavior, perception, motivation, action and others holistically and by way of description in the form of words and language, in a special natural context by utilizing various natural methods." Data collection techniques with observation techniques, interviews and documentation, while the technique of determining informants with purposive sampling techniques. The data that has been collected is analyzed using interactive analysis techniques. The results of the research include the existence of local wisdom in crop planning, land processing and harvesting in the form of safety rituals, plant pests and gratitude to the Almighty. The agricultural system is traditional and does not use insecticides and chemical fertilizers. Social action in the family is manifested in the attitude of parental responsibility, affection and the creation of a sense of security. The family is a medium of education the foundation in providing a value system. There is a high attitude of tolerance among religious believers, an attitude of mutual cooperation and mutual help, mutual respect, and high awareness in social life and preserving the environment as well as an attitude of obedience and obedience to village/sub-district officials which is realized in the form of obediently paying any taxes and being ready to carry out orders from village/sub-district leaders.